
The last week has been "eventful".
We had no power for two or three days, and we are just about done having no internet. Come Wednesday, you can expect regular updates again. At the moment, I cling tenuously to a neighbor's unprotected wireless network.

And I got a job. I am working for Spark Creative, a local boutique-style production company. I'm doing office management and overflow graphic design. It's a 9-to-six, five day a week job.

I also got a vehicle. Check this baby out:

And then picture her with racing stripes and tinted windows. I'm having difficulty picking the color at the moment. It's an '02 Hyundai Accent. Bam.


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We've moved to Blogger, so now you guys can RSS us. Lazy chumps.
But more importantly, I cut my hair. And dyed it. I just told the stylist "make it short; go crazy", which seems to be code for "give me Angelina Jolie from Hackers". Either way, I love the look:

Also today, we moved out of Purple Penguin's guest house, and on to Adventure. We will miss his daily presence!
Tomorrow, I go car shopping. Hell yeah! I'm going for a Coupe or small sedan. And it must be Red, Black, or White (sensing those theme colors? Long live the B/\S=!).


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Good afternoon, faithful reader(s),

Today I was introduced to the comic stylings of one Kwame Siegel, a man who, somewhat erroneously, described himself to me as "like Chris Rock at twenty-four." While I am usually not prey for street vendors, somehow the trucker cap sporting miscreant managed to easily convince me to pony up a crisp ten dollar bill in exchange for his DVD demo.

While I marveled at how the desert air had wreaked havoc on my judgment, upon viewing the document, I found, to my relief that I am not the most foolhardy individual in the entirety of this sprawling metropolis. One of the female actresses in his short film was actually persuaded to remove her shirt on camera in the vain attempt to add a little shock value to his performance. At least for me, the price was not my dignity. Nevertheless, the entire ordeal has left me quite shaken, and wondering if my new choice of home has either caused me to become soft in my old age, or is somehow a haven for incredibly persuasive street urchins. Only time will tell…


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Asylum and I safely arrived in Burbank, CA Wednesday night at PM7:50. We are living at Purple Penguin's house, and will continue to do so until June 7th. At which point, we will be moving into our AWESOME Culver City apartment. We're living with Yu "Super Big Head" Liu.

We've been swimming and touring and taking in Hollywood in the meantime. For example, mochi ice cream in Little Tokyo this afternoon. For your enjoyment:

On the job front, I had a fantastic interview with Marc "Mad Dog" Toberoff last week, and will be hearing back from him shortly. The job is basically a Veronica Mars meets Obsessive Compulsive Data Filing gig. With "much potential to rise in the company". We shall see!


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